

The concept “Europe”, which represents a mentality and idea rather
than geographic features in our world of ideas, is one of the most important
topics of discussion of the last century. The fact that in its broad sense
Europe’s representing the Western civilization and the Christian world has
been the negative focus point in various debates on the Islamic World.
The negation that comes to exist in the debates like reasons for the backwardness
of the Islamic world, civilization, westernization, modernization,
Islamophobia, democratization and European Union and the red lines
around it are not overcomed today.
Europe, which is a phenomenon that needs to be discussed in a
multi-faceted manner, has entered the agenda of the Ottoman intellectuals
with the modernization / westernization moves in the Ottoman Empire
and became the focal point in the light of the concept of “terakki (progress)”.
Europe, which has been seen as a target representing the “level of
contemporary civilization” by the founding will of the Republic, has been
considered as the basis for the revolutions aiming to this fact.
With religious and cultural reflexes, the rise of an approach that objecting
every Europe-borne thing and seeig everthing coming from Europe as
“evil” in response to above-mentioned understanding accompanied conflicts
and this approach has prevented the establishment of healthy relations
for both sides. Today, the question of what kind of paradigm should
be put forward about the European Union, democratization, fundamental
rights and freedoms, terrorism, the issue of refugees, and the question of
Europe are the “bones to pick”.

common ground with Europe in the struggle against the common problems
of humanity such as the power, self-seekingness , nationalism, hostility
and debauchery of the Western Civilization, that Bediuzzaman describes
as the “current civilization”.
From this question, how to consider the structures such as the European
Union (EU), which our country has been waiting for many years to be
accepted in, in this context and how the relations can be regulated to right
way are important issues. The issue of the preservation of the Muslim identity,
which was put forward as a reservation point in both sides, has left
its place to different discussions with the widespread use of mass media,
dazzling developments in technology and the phenomenon of globalization.
Also, becoming more apparent and more accessible of Qoranic truths
whith the Turkey’s joinig to EU is another point to be considered in the
sense of “religious advertising”.
Another issue with regard to our country is the democratization of Turkey
which has been the target of criticism in recent years in terms of fundamental
rights and freedoms by means of its rapprochement with EU and
with its abandoning the authoritarian policies. Also, while continuing to be
a bridge between EU and the Islamic World, the impacts of Turkey’s gathering
the EU norms should be discussed in the sense of the Islamic World;
and also the role of these developments in the taking place of the idea of
Islamic Unity which has a nature of a global peace Project should be examined.
In the light of all these, we have identified the subject of our 144th issue
as “Europe” and we have searched answers to the topics mentioned above.
While leaving you alone with our magazine, we hope to be with you in our
next issue entitled “The Human”.
common ground with Europe in the struggle against the common problems
of humanity such as the power, self-seekingness , nationalism, hostility
and debauchery of the Western Civilization, that Bediuzzaman describes
as the “current civilization”.
From this question, how to consider the structures such as the European
Union (EU), which our country has been waiting for many years to be
accepted in, in this context and how the relations can be regulated to right
way are important issues. The issue of the preservation of the Muslim identity,
which was put forward as a reservation point in both sides, has left
its place to different discussions with the widespread use of mass media,
dazzling developments in technology and the phenomenon of globalization.
Also, becoming more apparent and more accessible of Qoranic truths
whith the Turkey’s joinig to EU is another point to be considered in the
sense of “religious advertising”.
Another issue with regard to our country is the democratization of Turkey
which has been the target of criticism in recent years in terms of fundamental
rights and freedoms by means of its rapprochement with EU and
with its abandoning the authoritarian policies. Also, while continuing to be
a bridge between EU and the Islamic World, the impacts of Turkey’s gathering
the EU norms should be discussed in the sense of the Islamic World;
and also the role of these developments in the taking place of the idea of
Islamic Unity which has a nature of a global peace Project should be examined.
In the light of all these, we have identified the subject of our 144th issue
as “Europe” and we have searched answers to the topics mentioned above.
While leaving you alone with our magazine, we hope to be with you in our
next issue entitled “The Human”.